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D2N Dota 2 Guide

Sunday, May 3, 2015

How to farm properly in DOTA 2 game - Dota 2 farming guide

Many people don't know how to farm properly. This dota 2 farming guide is aimed to be solution for this problem - mainly for low/mid skill players. I'm sure though that some of the presented tricks and strategies may be unknown even by higher level gamers. At the beginning I will focus on commonly made mistakes and will gradually move to the more advanced tactics. Enjoy reading!

What is last hitting?

Last hitting is an art of landing the killing blow to the creeps making you gain gold or denying them to prevent your enemy from getting full experience and gold. Once mastered it will take your skill to another level where expensive carry items become ridiculously cheap.There are many factors that affect your last hitting ratio, i will discuss them more precisely later. Every experienced player will tell you that this skill comes with practice, but I'm sure my guide will give you a few hints that will make you last hits more successful.

What you want is to keep an eye on hp of each creep and hero in your range of sight. It's impossible to last hit if you don't know how much hp target has. No hp bars = less control.

When in game go to Options -> Game -> "Always show hp bars"

If you want to win you must not farm when laning with a hero that needs a lot of gold. If you have 2 carries on lane ask for lane swap or next game wait for your allies to pick and get some support hero instead.


A: Try to harass enemy heroes to secure your lanepartner's farm, deny as many creeps as possible to avoid pushing, go creep pulling, if you have some sort of disable and your carry is farming peacefully - leave him and try to gank other lanes, go check runes. There is a lot of posibilities - you just need to restrain your ego and adapt to what your team needs currently.

Going "solo mid" without proper lasthit knowledge

Solo lane (especially mid) is one of the hardest role in the entire team. With great benefits comes great responsibility: failed solo usually results in getting overfarmed and overleveled enemy that is able to decimate enemy team in seconds. Playing on this lane is a tricky mind game in which "last hitting" plays the leading role. If you are unsure of your "last hitting" skills - leave this lane for more experienced players.


What? How is denying a mistake?
Well, sometimes people don't understand that denying too much does more harm than good. Here are some examples:

1. Creeps are deniable once they are below 40% of hp. That doesn't mean you should attack them as fast as they reach that border. You will need 2-3 attacks to deny them and often enemies will often notice the obvious deny attempt and get an easy lasthit.

2. Do not care that much of denying when playing carry hero, focus on getting as much gold per minute as possible.

3. Do not try to deny when your creeps are at ~30-40% hp and approaching enemy tower. Let the tower do the job for you, there's no point in exposing yourself to tower attacks.

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